How about a new site banner?

By now, everyone who visits regularly has seen the changes and updates to the site. I think it’s come a long way, but I think what we need is a new banner. I want something that embodies the spirit of “Magnolia Lakes” something about US rather than a stock image used on a hundred other sites. I want something original and I’m not afraid to pony up a reward to find it.

To that end, I will give a $25. Wal-Mart gift card to whichever resident gets me the banner that best represents our neighborhood. Just to be clear, This is from my own pocket, and not from the HOA treasury.

The current banner image is 940 x 198 so that’s the preferred size. I’ll follow up with submission and deadline details once I set something up. For now, feel free to discuss using the comment links below.


Your web admin.

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