Attention Pet Owners

leash_warningThe board would like to remind you that it is against county ordinances to allow your dog or cat to relieve itself on public or private property:

Sec. 14-59. Defecating, urinating on public or private property.

No animal shall be permitted or allowed to defecate or urinate upon any public property, or any private property, without permission of the property owner. It shall be the responsibility of the owner or person in control of the animal to dispose of or remove any excretions caused by the animal. It is a violation of this article for the owner of an animal to permit or allow the animal to defecate or urinate upon any public property, or any private property, without permission of the property owner.

(Ord. No. 93-05, § 1(4-12(4)), 4-13-93; Ord. No. 93-11, § 1(4-12(4)), 6-8-93; Ord. No. 94-24, § 1, 11-15-94; Ord. No. 98-01, § 16, 1-20-98)

Several pet owners have allowed their dogs to do their potty business on common grounds, on the sidewalks, streets, and private properties.  This wouldn’t be an issue, IF those pet owners cleaned up the dog droppings.

If you don’t wish to clean up after your dog, then you need to keep your dog on YOUR property. Not only is leaving dog poop in public, common, or private areas inconvenient, unsightly, messy, and unhealthy for your neighbors and the children who walk and play in these areas, but it is against the law and you CAN BE TICKETED for this offense. There are several handy dandy tools to help you clean up what your pets leaves, for instants, specialized pet waste bags, or reuse plastic grocery bags, and commercially sold pooper scoopers, or even large cat litter scoops.

For those with disabilities and are unable to bend or squat down to clean up the poop, I recommend the commercially sold handled pooper scooper, which can be purchased at any pet store, and is cheaper than just one ticket, let alone several tickets.

Breaking this law can cost you hefty fines, court appearances, and HOA warning letters and action.

Also, according to our local laws NO PET you own is supposed to roam free off leash beyond your private property. They CANNOT wander uninvited into neighbor’s yards, or private properties, common, or public areas ON or, OFF leash.

An animal under physical control, is an animal under mental control. The law states all animals must be leashed at all times when off the property of the animal owner.

In Brevard County, at large is defined as off the premises of the owner, and not under the physical control of a leash, cord or chain of sufficient strength to control the animal not to exceed six (6) feet in length. If you love your pet, leash your pet!

THIS IS THE LAW! This law includes ANY, and ALL types of pets that belong to YOU!

If the animal belongs to you, it belongs on your property, unless you have it leashed and attended and are walking in public or common areas.

Breaking this law will not only cause negative terms between neighbors, but it can also bring YOU hefty fines, court appearances, and HOA warning letters and action.


Trent House Drive Construction

Under ConstructionAs some of you are already aware, construction is happening on the west side of Trent House Drive.  The land in that area has been purchased by the Medi-Share which is a division of the Christian Care Ministry. You can find more information about Christian Care Ministry by following the links.

The construction plans call for a single-story building and a 220 space parking lot which will exit onto Trent House in the area that the bulldozers have already cleared out. A second exit will vent onto west-bound Eau Gallie Blvd.

This construction is expected to continue over the next eight (8) months.  Please be careful when entering and leaving the community.

2013 Autumn Events

Children’s Harvest Party
and Costume Contest

October 26, 2013
6:30 PM — 8:30 PM
The HOA will be providing the drinks, treats, games, and prizes for this year’s party. We encourage parents to bring home-baked or goodies for our treat tables.
Rain date: 11/2/2013

Community Cookout

November 9, 2013
12:00 PM — 3:00 PM
Space Coast Property Management will be providing hamburgers, hotdogs, rolls. The HOA will provide drinks, chips, condiments and a bounce house for the little ones. Residents are encouraged to bring along a covered dish to share with your neighbors and a chair to relax in. Rumor has it that Santa will be vacationing in Melbourne that week.
Rain date: 11/16/2013

It’s Selection / Election time again

From your HOA President, Charlotte Rose:

One of our current and long standing Board members after many years of faithful service to our community needs to take a break. Bill Cook has served about 10 or so years as a Board member, and is graciously continuing to serve our community by keeping the Newsletter duties. Thank you Bill, we are grateful for your service. You’ve made, and continue to make a positive difference.

We lost one Board member, but gained two new members.  Many thanks to Adel Mikhail, and Chuck Seay for stepping up to the Board plate, and serving our community.

Providing our current Board members all run and get elected to the HOA Board for the 2014 year, we still would like to fill  2 more positions.  We hope to have a full Board of 9 members with one President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and 5 Directors. All Board member votes and opinions are equal and counted. No one Board member has any special or exceptional powers over the other Board members, ARC, and Appeals Committee, Community, or our Management Co. We all work together as a team. We all are required to abide by the same covenants, or suffer the negative results. We do not get payment or special treatment. Our only reward is in the satisfaction we are serving our community with the sincere hope and efforts that we are up-keeping it, and making it the best community we possibly can.

If you are a homeowner in our community PLEASE consider adding your name to the up and coming nominations and elections. If you do not wish to serve as a Board member, then PLEASE consider serving on the ARC Committee or the Appeals Committee. These positions do not require a Community vote like the Board positions do. The Board can vote in new ARC (Architectural Review Committee), or Appeals Committee members. If those positions don’t appeal to you, or you’re a renter that wishes to serve, then think about donating to, or volunteering to help with our annual events. Remember, YOU live here too, and YOU can make a positive difference here too.